Trends Potential to Shape iOS App Development in 2022

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Android and Apple capture the second-highest share in the mobile app market. No doubt, Android is the top gainer with 69.74% of the OS market globally. iOS is single-handedly giving a close fight to Android with just 25.49% of the OS market share in 2022. it’s a 6% increase for iOS since 2018, while the percentage for Android has dropped significantly from 77.32% in 2018 to 69.74% in 2022.

iOS platform is growing and getting better day in and day out.

So, if you are exploring the potential of iOS app development and want to understand what trends will shape iOS app development in 2022. We have introduced the top iOS app development trends in 2022 and the technologies that will be the center points of the trend. But, begin with the basics first;

iOS App Market at Glance

  • According to Statista, the iOS market has grown by 6% since 2018
  • The iOS market grew up from 19.4% in 2018 to 25.49% in 2022
  • As per February, around 26 thousand apps were released through Apple App Store
  • Despite having less than 26% market share, the annual iOS app revenue accounted for $85.1 billion out $133 billion for both iOS and Android app revenue in 2021


The stats are the testimony of rising popularity of iOS development. The growth is constantly growing incessantly. Now, let’s explore the top iOS app development trends that will rule the roost in 2022.

Top iOS App Development Trends in 2022

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence technologies are not new in iOS app development. We cannot imagine an iOS application without face/speech recognition, Siri, text, image classification, and search recommendations. iPhone app development companies offer iOS apps powered by AI/ML modules to have an excellent user experience. The trend will continue to rule throughout 2022 and beyond. Considering Building an iOS app based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will help you with a competitive advantage.

IoT and HomeKit

IoT devices play a significant role in making our daily lives productive and accessible. With the IoT app, users can connect all devices at home and control the devices using a single system.

Apart from smartphone applications based on the IoT, wearable devices are also expanding the use of the Internet of things. This trend is going to be more exposed in 2022, and keeping an eye on the IoT app development for iOS will help you gain a competitive edge over your competitors.

iBeacon Technology

iBeacon technology is generally an emerging Bluetooth Low Energy technology that iPhone app development companies use to enhance customers’ shopping experience. iBeacon with GPS provides accurate information, and it’s going to be the most significant advent, especially for storefront fashion and retail stores.

AR/VR Integration

ARToolkit is making headlines for its immutable transformation in the tech arena. AR is the most desired feature in iOS app development. With Augmented Reality, users can augment things using VR gadgets and visualize things in the real world. Apple has also taken many initiatives to provide an excellent user experience with the help of AR/VR technologies.

For example, the tech giant offers ARKit 3 and reality composer for developers so that it can create augmented reality experiences for users. These are trend-setting development in the mobile app development area. Interestingly, these trends are going to last longer; it’s not the trend for 2022 alone.

Apple Pay

Apple Pay is not a new trend, it has been around iOS development for a decade, but it’s one of the most favored features users love using. The technology allows iPhone users to make physical purchases, virtual purchases, pay fees online, or more with just a touch of a finger.

As far as the security of the application is concerned, it provides intact protection to users’ liability and does not store card details. This year, Apple Pay will remain in trend for many more years to come.

Cloud integrated iOS Apps

iCloud has been the talk of the town in iOS app development since its initial release in 2011. As the number of cloud users is increasing rapidly, the technology has grown up to become an indispensable utility for all Apple devices.

Users want to keep their devices clean and have ample space without losing important data, such as documents, images, and other stuff from their devices. iCloud helps them transfer the data to the cloud from their devices. When you upload data to the cloud, you can use the data across all Apple devices, such as iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, etc. No doubt, you need to have the same Apple ID signed across all devices.


Smart gadgets, especially wearables, have already captured a massive chunk of the modern market. Even the statistics show that says that in the year 2022, there will be more than 1 billion wearables connected across the world! Wow! Now, that’s amazing. But, how are people benefiting by following this trend?

  1. Wearables like fitness trackers are helping people keep a tab on their physical health. There are a gazillion features included in the wearable, such as monitoring blood pressure, sleep quality, glucose level, oxygen rate, and so on. With all these functions on the wrist, people can quickly watch themselves nearing their fitness goals.
  2. Instant messaging through wearables like iWatch is empowering people to stay connected and communicate easily plus quickly. This function comes in handy when people don’t have their phones and other gadgets nearby.
  3. Wearables are also purposed to keep people productive the majority of the time. Timers, alarms, or notifications on the wearable remind you of things you shouldn’t forget. This way, you’re always keeping up with the schedule.

These are just a good few functions of smart wearables. Trust me; there is a lot to explore!


Chatbots are the real talk of the town in the iOS development AI world. Chatbots are actually capacitated to replace an entire team of humans in a company. A towering count of enterprises is implementing this technology in their websites and mobile apps. If you want to stay on top of iOS app development trends, add chatbots!

Here’s how they’ll benefit your business:

  1. Allows your business to save money and human resources as chatbots take care of customer services and other tasks by automating them.
  2. Provides 24/7 support to the clients, helping your business work day and night.
  3. Customer satisfaction is enhanced manifold as chatbots provide instant replies.
  4. They can help the employees focus on the crux of the business without having to worry about the ‘communication’ part.
  5. Chatbots are 100% artificial. Implying that they are unaffected by human nature, speech, or emotions.

In Conclusion

The key to successful iOS App development is opening up and adopting modern-day tools. These new-age solutions simplify the entire app development process, improve the app’s technical quality, and even enhance the overall user experience.

So, if you are looking forward to bringing your ideas to reality with iOS app development, pause right here and go for hiring a globally reputed iOS app development company. They will not only save your time and money but eventually bring efficient solutions to the table!

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